We are ready to help you quickly!
On all weekdays between 9 and 15, you can call us on tel. 2396 6699, write to us at info@bikemember.no or send us a message via the contact form below to get help, advice and answers to your questions.
We look forward to talking to you and helping you. It is crucial for us that you get the help you need.
You must buy either a Single subscription (1 bike) or a Family subscription (unlimited number of bikes) at bikemember.no. You will then be given the opportunity to register your bikes.
The Bike-ID number is the unique Bikemember number that appears on the wafer/sticker you will put on the bike. When you acquire a Bikemember subscription, you will be sent wafers for your bicycles completely free of charge. If you later need extra wafers, you can always buy them by logging in to My Page. You only need one wafer per bike.
The frame number is the unique identification number that the bicycle manufacturer is obliged to give the bicycle.
It is typically engraved in the bicycle frame and can be in several different places on the bicycle depending on which manufacturer the bicycle is from. On most bikes you will be able to find it between the pedals under the bike. If you can’t find it, it’s a good idea to ask a bike dealer, preferably one who sells the same brand of bike.
The most important thing is that you know what the frame number of the bike is. In addition, you must enter the bike brand, purchase price and date of purchase. You need all this information when you register the bike. You can register the Bike-ID number on the sticker afterwards, if you have not yet received it.
Yes, if you buy a Family Subscription you can register an unlimited number of bikes.
No, Bikemember is a modern successor to Falck Bicycle Register.
No, Bikemember is not an insurance company, so we do not pay compensation if your bike is stolen. However, we are approved by the insurance companies (FG), so your insurance company will most likely give you discounts if your bike is registered with Bikemember. See more here: http://biketest.xyz/rabatter-forsikringsselskaber/
The insurance companies support Bikemember Bicycle Registry, and most of them give their customers discounts if they register their bike with Bikemember. You can read more here: http://biketest.xyz/rabatter-forsikringsselskaber/
If you are unlucky enough to have your bike stolen, you must do the following as soon as possible:
1. Report it to the Police. You can do this here: https://www.politiet.no/tjenester/anmelde-tyveri-eller-skade/anmeldelse/?steg1=1
2. Log in to My Page at bikemember.no and change the status of the bike from “Active” to “Reported stolen”. Alternatively, you can contact us via the contact form with information about the bike in question, and we can register it for you.
3. Report it to your insurance company where you have your contents/bicycle insurance.